Emote Wall for Twitch Release Notes

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In the Next Version

v0.9.5🕦 Unreleased

Current Version

v0.9.4.2🕛 May 11, 2024
  *Fixed Streamlabs and StreamElements tip kappagens.
  *Fixed zero-width emotes over Cheer bits (I think).
  *Fixed potential zero-width emotes over emojis bug.
  -Skipped loading of ignored global Twitch and YT emotes (to save memory).

Previous Versions

v0.9.4.1🕧 May 1, 2024
  +Added Tag Event option to ignore replies.
  #Improved Goal Event %TYPE% variable values.
  *Fixed emoji size property bug.
  -Removed YouTube feedback and error reporting.

v0.9.4🕐 April 20, 2024
  +Added individual cheer emote parsing, when a cheer doesn't trigger a kappagen.
  +Added disabled Twitch cheer check.
  #Restructured emote size cache to be session based because IndexedDB is not reliable.

v0.9.3🕜 April 13, 2024
  +Added tip message support for Streamlabs and StreamElements.
  +Added emote rate threshold option.
  +Added dynamic emote equation option.
  *Fixed some small bugs and made some internal changes.

v0.9.2🕑 March 5, 2024
  +Added new self-maintained emoji list, hosted on GitHub through JSDelivr's CDN.
  +Added Pop animation style.
  +Added toroidal wrapping option for StraightLine, Rise, and Drop animations.
  *Fixed 7TV websocket reconnect process.
  *Fixed some emoji display bugs.
  *Fixed a typo that could unnecessarily require a YouTube Subscriber API call.
  *Fixed Streamlabs tip parsing.

v0.9.1🕝 February 17, 2024
  +Added hacky YouTube channel emoji support with the help of a self-hosted database called ytEmojiDB.
  +Added URL-based emotes to duplicate checks - does not change anything now, but may be important in the future.
  +Added YT subscriber status lookup.
  *Fixed global 7TV emote name parsing.
  *Fixed YT subscription event detection by increasing duration between checks to 12 seconds (YT servers seem to have a bit of a status jitter after a subscribe event).
  *Minor internal code changes.
  #Switched notice types to use Symbols.
  #Switched emote services and scopes to use Symbols.
  #Cleaned up YouTube's handleDuplicates function.

v0.9🕒 December 16, 2023
  +Added emote erasure effect.
  +Added emote erasure on message deletion or sender timeout/ban.
  +Re-added 7TV websocket events for redundancy.
  +Added options to block unlisted 7TV emotes from other channels.
  +Added ten second timeout to all HTTP requests.
  *Fixed a ton of small bugs.

v0.8.8🕞 November 15, 2023
  +Added drop-shadow option.
  +Added emote loading retries before falling back to the failsafe onion.
  +Added service differentiation for third-party emotes.
  +Added FFZ and BTTV to Kick (only works with global emotes unless they add support at some point).
  +Added support for 7TV personal emotes.
  *Fixed ignore user feature on YouTube.
  #Changed third-party personal emote system to use account IDs instead of usernames
  #Improved YouTube error parsing.
  -Removed Hype Chat support.
  -Removed query parameter cleanup (should improve refresh functionality for URL users).
  -Removed disconnection notices on regular timeouts (initialization timeouts still show a notice).

v0.8.7🕓 October 28, 2023
  +Added experimental YouTube event support.
  #Doubled Spiral kappagen default speed.
  #Doubled YouTube subscription check interval.
  -Removed YouTube membership loop code.

v0.8.6🕟 October 10, 2023
  +Added smart links: if the page can't be opened, the link is copied to your clipboard. If the clipboard can't be copied to, a prompt is shown with the URL in a copiable textbox.
  +Added error handling on YouTube CORS blockage.
  +Added basic follow kappagen spam protection.
  +Added some soon-to-be-implemented YouTube config changes.
  *Fixed a YouTube token error that showed up as a Twitch token error.
  *Fixed Hype Chat's useMsg preference.
  #Slight YouTube feedback response changes. I still haven't actually received any of these yet.

v0.8.5🕔 September 25, 2023
  +Added simultaneous loading to emojis, EventSub subscriptions, stream title tags, channel point redeems, and third party connections. This should speed up the init process and emoji display.
  +Added some additional YouTube and Kick error handling.
  +Added FFZ YouTube support (should this ever become available).
  *7TV websocket connection replaced by Server-Sent Events for stability.
  *Fixed bug caused by old follower scope (should be redundant now).
  *Fixed Polar Bear, Judges, Doctors, and Eye-in-Speech-Bubble emojis.
  *Fixed a default emote list bug with Conga commands.
  #Simplified the cache breaker query.
  #Switched a ton of variables to constants, including flag and state numbers.
  #Switched a handful of internal arrays to use Symbols for keys.
  #Improved and unified command parsing code.
  #Improved cheer parsing code.
  #Improved emoji parsing code.
  #Improved third-party emote reading code.
  #Split up a bunch of excessively long functions.

v0.8.4🕠 September 5, 2023
  +Added advanced size variation support.
  *Fixed Kick login loop bug.
  #Improved Kick ping and timeout code.
  -Prevented Golden Kappa from being overridden by any third-party "Kappa" channel emote.

v0.8.3🕕 August 19, 2023
  +Added token lookup system.
  +Added cookie backup for local storage.
  *Fixed TheCube Kappagen ZWEs.
  *Fixed potential YouTube auth bug.
  #Code reorganization.
  #Improved YouTube failure handling.
  -Skipped BTTV modifiers.

v0.8.2🕡 August 13, 2023
  +Added Kick login button. (OBS supports input dialogs. Who knew?)
  +Added an option to hide statuses after init.
  +Added an option to show different emotes on each face of "TheCube" kappagens.
  +Added greater and less than signs to the Text font.
  *Fixed unintended error notice on YT stream end.
  #Cleaned up some CSS.

v0.8.1🕖 July 16, 2023
  +Added a bunch of login juggling improvements.
  +Added an option to hide notices.
  +Added an option to hide Twitch or YouTube interactive login buttons.
  *Fixed minor bug in Fountain kappagen math.
  *Fixed hung initial connection double-failure bug.
  #Improved hue rotation code.
  -Removed notification when 7TV socket drops (will still notify if reconnect fails).
  /Notice: Local Storage name changes.
  /You may need to log in to Twitch or YouTube again.
  /Single refresh tokens may now be shared, used, and even updated between Emote Walls if stored in the file.
  /Different profiles with identical scopes can now be used through interactive login.

v0.8🕢 July 8, 2023
  +Added YouTube support.
  +Added Kick support.
  +Added Hype Chat support for Twitch.
  *Fixed active emote count bugs.
  *Fixed potential ignored user bypass when cheering bits.
  *Fixed 7TV alias support.
  #Major code restructure for multiple service support.

v0.7.9.7🕗 July 3, 2023
  *Fixed FFZ and 7TV runaway emote list bug.

v0.7.9.6🕣 July 2, 2023
  +Check for IRC reconnect event.
  *Clear all timers on closures.
  *Detect null-value entries from 7TV's JSON.
  *Prevent stuck notices on hover (I hope).
  *Prevent redundant channel load events.
  /The testcase continues. The redundant channel load is now being tested as the source of the problem.

v0.7.9.5🕘 June 29, 2023
  *Fixed some EventSub code.
  /Running my first testcase:
  /Users will randomly receive one of two versions:
  / v1 uses a vigorous socket cleanup function.
  / v2 relies only on the improved socket state checks.
  /The results are 100% blind. If no stale sockets are reported, then v2's changes will be sufficient. If both v1 and v2 report issues, then I'm no longer sure it's within my purview to resolve.

v0.7.9.4🕤 June 27, 2023
  +Updated 7TV API to v3.
  *Fixed BTTV user-specific ZWE bug.
  *Fixed Prime sub parsing bug.
  *Fixed Global Twitch emote rescan bug.
  *Raised notice opacity to 75%.
  #Raised maximum emote default to 256px.
  #Improved dangling EventSub problem reporting (added subscription IDs).

v0.7.9.2🕙 June 25, 2023
  +Added 7TV AVIF support (set cfg.display.extended.use7TV = 'avif' to enable).
  +Added emote size caching using IndexedDB to resolve oddly sized emotes. To clear the cache, use the new '!cesc' command.
  +Added channel emote buffer to prevent bugs during emote refreshes.
  *Fixed some emote list bugs.
  *Fixed some event trigger bugs.
  #Changed notification and connection status systems to a single push notice system.

v0.7.9.1🕥 June 22, 2023
  *Fixed global FFZ emotes.

v0.7.9🕚 June 20, 2023
  +Added support for variable-width emotes.
  +Added stretch-filling for ZWEs on variable-width emotes.
  +Added channel sharing preference.
  +Added connection and emote list statuses.
  +Added third-party preference when dealing with other channels.
  +Added hue rotation and Rave to base code.
  *Added support for Judge, Doctor, and Pilot emojis.
  *Fixed Event Redeem trigger.
  *Fixed Vertical Translate directive.
  *Fixed Spiral timing variable.
  *Transitioned to new Twitch login URL.
  *Changed title display.
  *Improved reconnection handling.
  *Improved animations across the board.

v0.7.8🕦 April 27, 2023
  +Added requestAnimationFrame support, which greatly improves all animation processes.
  +Added instructions for interaction when EventSub needs clearing.
  +Added warning when opening in a browser.
  +Added a timing array to control animations more easily.
  +Added a URL parameter cleanup routine.
  *Fixed a lot of animation timings, allowing animations to even take hours, should the user want.
  *Fixed the maximum limit for user-settable kappagen counts.
  *Fixed animation timing for high-count kappagens. Note that if you use a number that's too high, Chromium will straight-up fail to render all the objects on screen, so always use a well-tested maximum - I suggest 2000 or less.
  *Improved StreamElements OAuth expiration handling.
  *Fixed Streamlabs token checking.
  *Improved various website communications by using POST, to keep the variables from showing up in my Apache logs.
  *Multiple zero-width emote fixes and improvements, including user-specific ZWEs. It's even possible to add a BTTV channel or user-specific emote to the ZWE list now, should you want to.
  *Fixed potential flickering, especially with hardware acceleration disabled.
  #Changed warnings to be more compact.
  #Moved Login button down when warning or error notices are visible.
  #Minor improvements to the Zoom In animation.
  #Changed font sizes to be based on minimum dimension, rather than width.
  #Changed BTTV's ZWE list to use IDs, to prevent unexpected naming conflicts.

v0.7.7🕛 April 1, 2023
  +Added FFZ improvements: animated emotes; zero-width emotes; ignore hidden modifier emotes.
  +Added warnings and improve errors and silent retries.
  *Fixed StreamElements connection bug.
  *Fixed giftbomb race condition garbage collection.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.
  -Removed Beta EventSub leftovers.

v0.7.6🕧 March 9, 2023
  *Fixed EventSub forward compatibility issues.
  *Fixed gift bomb race condition.
  #Made some more advanced internal changes.

v0.7.5🕐 February 26, 2023
  +Added fallback for broken images.
  *Fixed 7TV zero-width emote regression in v0.7.4.
  -Removed subscriber access from Broadcasters.
  #Made some minor internal changes.

v0.7.4🕜 February 19, 2023
  +Added tagged channel kappagen trigger.
  +Added third-party emotes from other channels on raid and shoutout events.
  +Added cache to channel emotes list.
  *Fixed a lot of bugs.

v0.7.3🕑 February 7, 2023
  +Added support for refresh tokens, removing the 2-month reauthentication requirement.
  +Added support for the new follower OAuth2 scope (moderator:read:followers).
  *Improved reconnection process.
  *Improved event subscription process.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.

v0.7.2🕝 January 26, 2023
  +Added support for EventSub.
  +Added Ban kappagen event.
  +Added Timeout kappagen event.
  +Added Shoutout kappagen events.
  +Added Hype Train kappagen events.
  +Added Poll kappagen events.
  +Added Prediction kappagen events.
  +Added Goal kappagen events.
  +Added Charity kappagen events.
  +Added User ignore list.
  +Added Emote ignore list.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.

v0.7.1🕒 January 9, 2023
  +Added advanced commands (with user-provided emote count parameter option).
  +Added clear-screen command.
  +Added clear-screen on /clear chat command.
  +Added emote selection for kappagens.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.
  #Reduced appearance range of Still emote style to be within screen boundary.
  #Slightly increased straight line and cube emote minimum visibility.
  #Made some code layout rearrangements.

v0.7🕞 December 27, 2022
  +Added Keycaps Emoji support.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.
  #Reorganized source code into modules.
  #Improved StreamElements authentication.
  #Switched to Strict Mode JS.

v0.6.4🕓 December 5, 2022
  *Fixed issues regarding dropped connections when hidden.
  #Improved some network code design and cleanup.
  #Changed some minor code paradigms.
  -Removed Reddit stream support.

v0.6.3🕟 November 30, 2022
  *Fixed a memory leak in the bounce animation.
  *Fixed dangling connections on IRC connection failures.
  #Ignore emote events while hidden.
  #Increase retry delay on every connection failure.
  #Trigger on channel point redeems regardless of fulfillment status.
  #Further improved BTTV emote list change handling.

v0.6.2🕔 November 13, 2022
  #Improved BTTV emote list change handling.

v0.6.1🕠 November 3, 2022
  +Added third-party emote list change detection.
  +Added Zero-Width emote support to emojis.
  #Improved follower access cache using the existing follower event kludge.
  #Improved API call accuracy by preventing network caching.

v0.6🕕 September 27, 2022
  +Added Zero-Width emote support.
  *Fixed 7TV Channel emotes.
  *Fixed potential parsing bug.
  #Changed random number generator.

v0.5.5🕡 September 15, 2022
  +Added "Throw" emote animation style.
  +Added Mod and VIP tag detection.
  +Added Streamlabs pledge tip support.
  *Switched from BTTV to FFZ for "Default" emote URL.
  *Switched to load event for initialization
  #Improved error display when using the interactive login process.
  #Combined IRC CAP REQ requests and moved them before login.
  -Dropped the body element entirely.

v0.5.4🕖 August 12, 2022
  *Improved cube rotation.
  *Cleaner lowercase "K" display for "Text" kappagen.
  *Handled default text message as an array for "Text" kappagen (not triggered due to default always being overwritten in current code).
  *Imporved kappa limitation code.
  *Improved "Pyramid" kappa timing.

v0.5.3🕢 July 29, 2022
  +Added specific command aliases for specific kappa animation styles.
  +Added kappa by channel points reward, requiring a new OAuth2 scope (channel:read:redemptions).
  +Added "avoid the middle of the screen" to "Conga" kappa animation style preference.
  +Added emoji existence check to prevent broken image emotes.
  *Fixed some kappa preference and access issues.

v0.5.2🕗 June 27, 2022
  +Added "Spiral" kappa animation style.
  +Added "Conga" kappa animation style.
  +Added "Text" kappa animation style.
  +Added the option to use the tipper's profile image as an emote for third-party tip events preference. (Untested)
  +Added IRC channel response timeout error.
  +Added unique emote counts for each kappagen style and trigger, including using the amount of an item (cheers, raiders, subscriptions, months subscribed) as the count.
  +Added global kappagen cooldown preference.
  *Fixed use of the number 360 for maximums in radian-based angular calculations causing minor direction bias.
  *Improved "Pyramid" and "SmallPyramid" kappa timing.
  *Fixed hanging Streamlabs and StreamElements websockets if any connection failure occurs.
  *Fixed Streamlabs and StreamElements user name check support.
  #Extended transition time to help prevent animation failures.
  #Limited non-square emotes to a maximum dimension and centered them.

v0.5.1.1🕣 May 20, 2022
  *Fixed kappagen being triggered on any Streamlabs event.

v0.5.1🕘 May 20, 2022
  +Added Streamlabs and StreamElements donation event kappagen triggers.
  +Added Artist badge access level.

v0.5🕤 May 15, 2022
  +Added interactive login process.
  +Added "TheCube" rotation speed preference.
  +Added emote size variation preference.
  +Added "use normal emotes" preference to cheer kappagen trigger.
  +Added "use raiding channel's emotes" preference to raid kappagen trigger.
  *Improved varied subscribe events.
  *Tons of small bug fixes.

v0.4.5🕙 April 21, 2022
  +Added checks for bad emote and kappa animation styles.
  *Fixed cheer range detection order to be more efficient.
  *Improved supported types for ranges (undefined and boolean now mean disable event).

v0.4.4🕥 April 21, 2022
  +Added advanced raid, giftbomb, and cheer ranges to config.

v0.4.3🕚 April 12, 2022
  +Added queue to limit emotes displayed on screen at any given time.
  +Added "TheCube" kappa size and random location toggle preferences.

v0.4.2🕦 February 27, 2022
  +Added duplicate maximum limit number rather than a hard toggle.

v0.4.1🕛 February 27, 2022
  +Added new follower detection hack.
  *Fixed IRC user tag whitespace handling.
  #Improved emote disappearance code.
  -Removed multiple kappagen events caused by single giftbomb event, unless giftbomb event is disabled.

v0.4🕧 February 26, 2022
  +Added "SmallPyramid" kappa animation style.
  +Added kappagen command alias list option.

v0.3.3🕐 February 25, 2022
  -Removed "TheCube" kappa off-screen garbage collection (unlike regular "TheCube"s, kappa doesn't move).

v0.3.2🕜 February 17, 2022
  +Added giant "TheCube" kappa animation style.

v0.3.1🕑 February 17, 2022
  +Added "Default" emote URL when a channel has no emotes of its own.

v0.3🕝 February 8, 2022
  +Added BTTV user-specific emote support.

v0.2.8🕒 February 5, 2022
  +Added config corruption detection.
  +Added various initial error displays.

v0.2.7🕞 February 5, 2022
  *Fixed duplicate limiter.
  #Lowered fountain final location off-screen.
  -Removed CR+LF from websocket commands CAP REQ and PONG.
  -Removed will-change CSS property.

v0.2.6🕓 February 1, 2022
  +Added garbage collection.
  *Improved emoji support.

v0.2.5🕟 January 31, 2022
  /All older versions lost to time.

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