Satellite Restriction Tracker Release Notes

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In the Next Version

v2.0🕥 Unreleased

Current Version

v1.9.1🕚 May 15, 2024
  *Fixed ViaSat login.

Previous Versions

v1.9🕦 April 16, 2024
  *Fixed ViaSat login.

v1.8🕛 February 12, 2024
  +Added TLS Proxy and Security settings to Service config.
  +Added account share feature for diagnostics.
  #Updated to new Certificate Authority.
  -Removed error reporting.

v1.7🕧 November 28, 2023
  *Fixed usage table changes.
  -Removed Remote Service support.

v1.6.3🕐 July 4, 2023
  *Remote Service fixes.

v1.6.2🕜 July 1, 2023
  *@s are back in style.

v1.6.1🕑 December 16, 2022
  *Fixed login changes.

v1.6🕝 October 22, 2022
  *Fixed login changes.
  #Major code cleanup.
  -Removed all provider options: standard ViaSat is now the only supported provider.

v1.5.97🕒 September 14, 2022
  +Added another Connection aborted network error.
  *Fixed network error handling bug.

v1.5.96🕞 September 11, 2022
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.95🕓 July 24, 2022
  #Improved Password reveal button.
  #Transitioned bug reporting to GitHub.

v1.5.94🕟 June 25, 2022
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.93🕔 January 15, 2022
  +Added TLS 1.3 support.
  *Enabled TLS Proxy for Windows versions below 10.

v1.5.92🕠 September 3, 2021
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.91🕕 April 20, 2021
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.9🕡 March 16, 2021
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.8🕖 February 13, 2021
  *Fixed empty Key detection.
  *Fixed TLS Proxy.
  *Fixed local database bug.
  #Improved minimize and restore code.
  #Changed password storage from RC4 to AES (Rijndael).

v1.5.7🕢 February 4, 2021
  +Added check for JS load problem.
  #Protected against infinite redirects.

v1.5.63🕗 January 30, 2021
  *Fixed Exede login changes.

v1.5.62🕣 November 4, 2020
  *Fixed another Exede issue.

v1.5.61🕘 June 15, 2020
  *Fixed some Exede issues.

v1.5.6🕤 June 12, 2020
  +Added support for new Exede site.

v1.5.5🕙 April 29, 2020
  *Fixed typo.
  #Database speed improvements.
  #User Agent OS improvements.

v1.5.4🕥 August 9, 2018
  *Fixed preemptive timeouts.

v1.5.3🕚 August 8, 2018
  +Added Signed code check.
  *Fixed paste into Provider Domain combo box.
  *Prevented change interval timer from running forever.
  *Prevented duplicate AJAX IDs from causing loops.
  -Removed TLS Proxy.

v1.5.2🕦 March 30, 2018
  +Added Exede AJAX Update to first connection of the program's run.

v1.5.1🕛 March 16, 2018
  #Changed Exede AJAX system to update automatically through, hopefully reducing the number of program updates.

v1.5🕧 March 11, 2018
  *Fixed Custom Color graphing.
  *Reset About dialog's "Check for Updates" button on close.
  #Changed "Slowed" Tray icon display.

v1.4.301🕐 March 3, 2018
  *Fixed Exede Freedom plan limit.
  #Disabled auto-retry setting for Remote Usage Service users (until it's implemented, possibly).

v1.4.3🕜 March 2, 2018
  +Added auto-retry for certain failures (local app only).
  *Fixed Exede meter changes.
  #Allowed Remote Usage Service users to set their update interval to 15 minutes.

v1.4.23🕑 February 10, 2018
  +Added Version to Error Reports.
  *Fixed Exede and Dish logins.
  *Fixed Exede maintenance message.
  #Cleaned up some code.

v1.4.22🕝 January 1, 2018
  +Added some new server and network errors.
  +Added delay between error reports.
  #Forced UI Locale to English to ensure errors are handled correctly.

v1.4.21🕒 November 30, 2017
  *Fixed Exede AJAX requests and ViaSat rebranding.

v1.4.2🕞 November 21, 2017
  *Fixed Exede AJAX requests.

v1.4.19🕓 November 16, 2017
  *Fixed cookies.
  *Fixed using Exede domain on WildBlue account type.
  #Truncated long URLs in network error messages.
  -Disabled Network Security "Enforce" checkbox when TLS Proxy is enabled.

v1.4.18🕟 November 12, 2017
  +Added Enforce network security checkbox.
  *Improvements to cookie handling.
  *Fixed Exede AJAX required requests.
  *Fixed Exede login error check.
  -Reverted the not-so-improved configuration saving method.

v1.4.172🕔 August 21, 2017
  #Modified DishNet meter parsing.

v1.4.171🕠 August 10, 2017
  *Fixed Local Service config saving.

v1.4.17🕕 August 7, 2017
  *Improvements to Cookie handling.

v1.4.16🕡 August 5, 2017
  *Improvements to new configuration saving method.
  *Fixed DishNet login issue caused by a HTTP-invalid comma in a cookie value.

v1.4.15🕖 July 27, 2017
  +New configuration saving method.
  *Fixed RuralPortal meters.

v1.4.14🕢 June 18, 2017
  +Fixed intermittent Exede login issue.
  *Fixed RuralPortal meter in "Using Buy More" state.

v1.4.13🕗 June 4, 2017
  +Internal Server Errors are now a common error type detected before processing any data.
  +Included check for maintenance message in Exede Prepare.
  +Added version to Bug Reports.
  *Corrected an incorrect labeling of Prepare failures as Login failures.
  #Updated Alert Styles "More" link.

v1.4.12🕣 May 16, 2017
  +Added support for intermittent Exede logins which lack the RelayState variable.
  +Added Incorrect Password message for intermittent Exede logins.
  #Improved Exede login method regarding cut-off form data.

v1.4.11🕘 May 1, 2017
  +Added a new "slowed" state detection for RuralPortal.
  +Included a check for an "ATTRIBUTE ERROR E11" message when reading MyDish usage data.

v1.4.1🕤 April 19, 2017
  +Included .NET 4.7 in the Framework parsing code.
  *Only included extra-purchased usage value and total if the value is greater than zero for MyDish users.

v1.4🕙 April 8, 2017
  +Added support for Exede resellers using the "" domain.
  +Added context menu to the Product Key textboxes.
  +Added "Data temporarily unavailable" message for Exede.
  +Added feedback message to failure system for non-failures that I'd still like information on.
  *Fixed RuralPortal "change your password" bypass regression.
  *Fixed a couple Config closure bugs.
  *Fixed TLS Proxy testing in the Wizard.
  #Improved graphing system accuracy and timescale detection.
  #Improved detection of "free" and "slowed" states.
  #Improved network error messages to be consistent.
  #Changed "DishNet" to "Dish" and ""/"" to "".
  #Changed methodology of red usage numbers and included descriptive tooltips.
  #Disabled SSL/TLS Security Protocols if they aren't supported by the OS or Framework in the Configuration, and disabled them all if Remote Usage Service is enabled.

v1.3.8🕥 February 28, 2017
  +Added support for Exede Business using the "" provider.
  *Fixed a possible issue with DishNet.
  #Improved Tray icon progress visibility and animation.
  #Improved History Graph methodology.

v1.3.71🕚 January 9, 2017
  *Fixed latest Exede change.

v1.3.7🕦 November 19, 2016
  +Added the possibility of Anti-Virus software preventing Updates to the error prompt when attempting to run the Installer.
  *Cleaned up a lot of code and made a few backend improvements.
  *Fixed latest Exede changes and improved Exede AJAX loading.

v1.3.6🕛 August 13, 2016
  +Added a TLS Proxy option for Exede users on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, and macOS.
  *Cleaned up some minor interface and code issues.
  *Made sure the User Agent is sent in all POST messages (macOS wasn't for some MONO-related reason).
  ++PATCH 1.3.601 improves functionality of the first run wizard.

v1.3.53🕧 June 30, 2016
  *Fixed a couple DishNet login issues.
  *Fixed a redirect issue that was breaking RuralPortal.
  #Prevented new icons being created on the Desktop and in the Start Menu when updating.

v1.3.52🕐 June 19, 2016
  +Added SSL/TLS checkboxes to select what versions you want to enable. Any versions that aren't supported will be hidden.
  *Fixed DishNet logins.
  *Fixed some other minor bugs here and there.
  #Changed "Available" to "Free" on the Main window.

v1.3.51🕜 May 15, 2016
  +Added another Connection aborted network error.
  +Added support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 if .NET 4.5 or newer is installed (and hopefully MONO with new-tls, whenever that gets implemented and fixed).
  +Added temporary TLS 1.2 support failure message.
  *Fixed the Configuration window's tab order.
  *Fixed network error handling bug.
  #Changed default encoding to LATIN_1 to fix some problems that could arise in the MONO version.

v1.3.5🕑 May 1, 2016
  +Added a bunch of new server and network errors.
  +Added an updated default list of known providers.
  +Added Common Language Runtime version to User Agent string.
  +Added details regarding the reason an update would be temporarily paused.
  *Redesigned the entire network connection methodology to prevent timeouts caused by asynchronous responses.
  *Fixed response alert to error report send and closing the error report alert when clicked.
  #Reorganized lots of code.
  #Changed which errors reset the Account Type.
  #Default Timeout is now 120 seconds.
  -Removed extra Exede AJAX requests to speed up connection time and cut down on data usage.

v1.3.4🕝 August 5, 2015
  +Added the option to minimize instead of closing the program when you click the X on the Main window.
  +Added the option to disable the Minimize to Tray animation.
  *Fixed socket Read/Write timeout to wait for three hours instead of the regular timeout setting time.
  *Fixed the default History Graph Max line color.
  *Fixed a couple bugs if no Alert Style is selected.
  #Hid the minimize animation on startup with no Tray icon.

v1.3.3🕒 July 19, 2015
  +Added Internet Speed Test Website link icon option.
  +Added gridlines to the History Graph and consolidated the graphing functions.
  +Added support for a few more error messages.
  +Added minimize to Tray and restore from Tray window animation.
  +Added timeout for creating local service log and allowed for the possibility of no log.
  *Fixed a bug when trying to save an empty database.
  *Fixed installer's ability to close the SRT program or service if still running.
  *Fixed the background color of Checkboxes in Windows XP.
  *Fixed an occasional focus bug when restoring the main window from the Tray icon.
  #Improved History Directory file moving procedures.
  #Improved the tooltip text for the Usage Period buttons in the History window.
  #Improved the verbosity of graphing failures.
  #Disabled most of the History interface if no usage data is available, and allowed importing a database when the primary database is empty.
  #Changed the "Show Password" button in the Configuration to the Windows-standard eye logo inside the textbox.
  #Changed the Configuration window tabs to fill the width of the window.
  #Changed dialogs to the Task Dialog system in Vista and above.

v1.3.21🕞 March 21, 2015
  *Improved uninstaller.
  *Fixed local service.

v1.3.2🕓 March 19, 2015
  +Added DishNet Captcha Validation error message.
  +Added support for "Network subsystem is down" error message.
  +Added Exede Denial of Service error message.
  +Added Exede Server Down error message.
  +Added error catch when trying to save Service settings.
  *Fixed empty usage numbers and incorrect 150 GB limit numbers.
  *Improved responsiveness of Numeric Up/Down textboxes in Config.
  -Removed slowed state from Freedom accounts, and prevented it from sticking around if under 100% on Exede accounts.

v1.3.1🕟 February 24, 2015
  +Added options for disabling the system Tray notification icon or only showing it when minimized.
  +Added some new error messages.
  +Added automatic charset encoding selection to web client responses.
  +Added Scale Text to Window Size option to Configuration again.
  *Fixed error message regression.

v1.3🕔 February 5, 2015
  +Added some new error messages.
  +Added new update settings to allow for completely automatic updating.
  +Added Windows 8-specific Start screen icon.
  *Fixed Exede logins.
  *Fixed timeout range.
  *Fixed useless creation of ProgramData/AppData paths in some cases.
  *Fixed a lot of under-the-hood bugs.
  *Fixed empty Data Directory settings issues by defaulting to AppData.
  -Removed extra slash from some paths.

v1.2.2🕠 January 23, 2015
  *Fixed DishNet logins again.
  -Removed all console debug outputs.

v1.2.1🕕 January 16, 2015
  +Added some missing tooltip text to the Config window.
  *Fixed DishNet logins again.
  *Fixed erroneous timeout message.
  #Changed initializing connection messages to a single standard.

v1.2🕡 January 14, 2015
  +Added some more network and socket error message responses and changed the wording of some of the messages.
  +Added move failure error catch and display when moving History directory to another location.
  +Added atlasPlanInvalid check when loading Exede Dashboard.
  +Added Account Locked message check when loading Exede.
  +Added Login Too Soon message check when loading DishNet.
  +Added Strong Name Key signing just in case it ever becomes an issue.
  +Added some extra reset events to prevent timeout errors.
  +Added new Color dialog UI arrangement when using single-usage-number accounts (like Exede).
  +Added 12-month hiatus if user clicks donate in About dialog.
  *Fixed odd-width Tray icon graphs.
  *Fixed Data Directory checks to ignore missing trailing directory separators and case sensitivity.
  *Fixed a few extra small bugs.
  *Fixed a typo in the Color dialog.
  #Improved number display change speed to be a little more prompt.
  -Removed defunct minimum 3 minute timeout.
  -Removed all SSL checking.
  -Removed a lot of defunct and commented out code.

v1.1🕖 December 7, 2014
  +Added "You must create an account at the new Exede Portal" error message for users that try to log in through the old Exede page.
  +Added SSL/TLS selection option in the Configuration (with TLS as default now).
  #Changed Custom Data Directory ALT+Key combo to "U" to avoid conflict with the Create Portable Application button.

v1.0🕢 November 21, 2014
  +Added support for uncompressed Tarballs (.tar) for Alert Styles, mostly because of macOS Safari.
  +Added 500 MB leeway for finding reset dates in the History.
  +New Config window with new settings.
  +Portable Application functionality.
  *Fixed some Exede login failures and read failures.
  *Fixed addition of new providers so they're only added to the online list once a connection has been successfully made.
  #Changed default color scheme for graphs to blue.
  #Digitally Signed the EXE of all versions (Win, Lin, and macOS) with the new RealityRipple Software CA issued signature.

v0.4.5.2🕗 October 25, 2014
  -Removed some defunct Exede graph code.

v0.4.5.1🕣 October 24, 2014
  +Added some more network and socket error message responses.
  +Added UAC Shield icon to buttons that require Admin rights to function.
  *Fixed Exede logins again.

v0.4.5🕘 October 3, 2014
  +Added Exede Freedom usage parsing.
  +Added second attempt at logins for Exede users to log in through the old page, particularly for Evolution and Freedom users.
  +Added thousands separators to numbers in the History and Main Window usage numbers.
    WIN: +Added mnemonics to all windows.
    WIN: +Added extra check for "Topmost" and "Scale Text" System menu icons after settings are reloaded.
  *Fixed DishNet logins (again).
  *Fixed a crash caused by an incomplete web response.
  *Fixed some database reading errors.
  *Fixed a History window date selection bug.
  *Fixed some custom color issues.
  #Cleaned up some graphing code and improved the graph display for many account types.
  #Improved progress display for Exede and DishNet logins.

v0.4.4🕤 August 15, 2014
  +Added "thank you" or "failure" response when reporting issues.
  +Added some more friendly network error messages.
  +Added mnemonics to the Configuration window.
  *Fixed timeouts during multiple slow redirects.
  *Fixed DishNet meter reading.
  *Fixed a few small bugs.
  #Cleaned up and re-organized the Configuration window.

v0.4.3🕙 August 8, 2014
  *Fixed login for new Exede portal (again).
  *Prevented product key double-check when opening the Configuration window.
  *Fixed a Proxy parse issue.
  *Fixed a few small bugs.
  #Improved URLEncoding method.
  #Improved some Exede error messages.
  #Tried to force provider list onto asynchronous thread to prevent lockup when opening the Configuration window.
  #Made some other general improvements.

v0.4.2🕥 August 2, 2014
  *Fixed login for new Exede portal.
  #Split E-Mail value into Username and Provider values for clarity, with an online-updated list of Providers.
  -Removed Up/Down inversion since Exede doesn't split them anymore.

v0.4.1🕚 July 3, 2014
  *Fixed an error in BETA update notification.
  -Reverted HTTP to version 1.0 from 1.1 due to connection issues.

v0.4🕦 July 1, 2014
  +Added a new Save prompt when closing dialogs before settings have been saved.
  +Added some new friendly network error messages.
  +Added HTTP 1.1 support for connections to
  +Added friendly Out-of-Box Wizard for first-time users.
  *Fixed a bug when displaying the progress icon while closing the program.
  *Fixed update dialog buttons.
  *Fixed some proxy entry issues.
  *Fixed password change bypass for RuralPortal users.
  #Save button disables itself again if changes made are the same as current settings.
  -Removed all mention of the word "bandwidth" in favor of the word "usage".

v0.3.2🕛 June 12, 2014
  +Added some new friendly network error messages.
  +Added support for higher DPI resolutions.
  *Cleaned up some internal code.
  #Improved Update dialog.

v0.3.1.3🕧 June 4, 2014
  +Added some new usage state messages for DishNet logins.
  +Added support for new DishNet login methodology.
  +Added some methods to prevent a progress display bug.
  *Enforced percent encoding for usernames as well as passwords.
  #Redesigned usage grabbing code for simplicity in maintenance.

v0.3.1.2🕐 June 1, 2014
  +Added some more friendly network error messages.
  *Fixed some date selection bugs.
  *Fixed possible bugs with HTML Percent Encoding method if passed an empty string.
  *Fixed a bug in the 60 Days button.
  #Improved Exede graphing methodology.
  #Cut averaging down to exact range on all graphs, and used maximum instead of average of the range for Exede.

v0.3.1.1🕜 May 23, 2014
  +Added friendly socket failure messages.
  +Added some more bad date selection issue prevention methods in the History window.
  +Added initial support for Exede Evolution reading (still under testing).
  +Added extra icon clearing method to destroy GDI objects that are no longer used.
  +Added new method for changing column header and 30/60 day button text for the History window.
  *Fixed some checks for no database in the History window.
  *Fixed a few bugs with the DB Progress window display when interrupting a graph draw with another database query.
  #Improved History window display if there's only one entry and it's within the last minute.
  #Improved host type handling and categorization.

v0.3.1🕑 May 9, 2014
  +Added "This Period" and "Last Period" buttons in place of "30 Days" and "60 Days" respectively in the History window for Exede "reset" style accounts.
  +Added a Monospace font test method in case of issues with DefaultMonospace.
  *Fixed a bug in the Custom Colors window with the "Error" preview image being disposed before attempting to be loaded.

v0.3🕝 April 24, 2014
  +Added Invert Numbers menu item to Main Graph context menu.
  #Changed version display to hide build and revision numbers if they're 0.
  #Changed Maximum bar to be semitransparent when painted over graph lines.
  #Changed status display just before connection time.

v0.2.5🕒 April 11, 2014
  +Added bandwidth alert feature to notify on excessive usage.
  +Added new cross-platform alert window with customizable styles.
  +Added F1 shortcut to FAQ page.
  +Added User Panel link for Remote Usage Service users.
  +Added whitespace stripper to Config E-Mail and Password pasting.
  +Added Configuration refresh after Resume from a Suspended power state.
  *Fixed DishNet login due to page name change.
  *Fixed Exede over-limit numbers.
  *Fixed quite a few bugs all over the place.
  #Improved DataBase load speed.
  #Moved main usage components and some other classes into an external Library.
  #Moved sorting of the Log to any time the Log is saved while adding a new row.
  #Changed all links to use short URL.

v0.2.4.1🕞 October 6, 2013
  +Added E-Mail address handling.
  *Fixed "Buy More" usage math and parsing issues.
  *Fixed some minor bugs.

v0.2.4🕓 September 22, 2013
  +Save Account Type to Settings.
  +New Graph Color Customization window.
  +Added context menu to main graphs to quickly customize colors or refresh your usage.
  +Added Error Message Check to WildBlue post-Login page requests.
  +Added animated ellipses when busy.
  +Added 5 minute wait to startup request.
  +New Error Logging system to keep track of failures.
  +Added "Check for Updates" button.
  +Added Update window.
  +Added under 70% check to disable "Slowed" display.
  *Fixed two Exede graphing bugs, one aesthetic, one mathematical.
  *Fixed bug when refresh occurs while connection is already active.
  *Fixed a bug with the History window age parameters.
  *Fixed some messages in the History window when usage is still being loaded.
  #Updated Logger Service account type determination.
  #Improved Account Type detection.
  #Improved graphing code.
  #Changed asynchronous methodology.

v0.2.3.5🕟 July 16, 2013
  +Added Free/Over numbers to Tray tooltip.
  +Added links to About window to useful pages.
  +Added ranged sync for Remote Usage Service users to speed up update.
  +Added timeout double-check to prevent getting stuck while logging in.
  +Added backup to history saving to prevent data loss.
  *Fixed Save button still disabled after typing in a timeout or proxy port.
  *Fixed an error that could occur if doing a database reload twice in a row.
  *Fixed a graphing error in the History window for Exede users.
  *Fixed DishNet logins.
  *Fixed RestrictionLogger Service bugs.
  #Made Refresh button always enabled.

v0.2.3.4🕔 May 3, 2013
  *Fixed a bug with the timer counting change in prior version. (Forgot to set some Integer values to Long, so they were receiving values too large to store, and had to allow for the possible negative with a signed long).

v0.2.3.3🕠 May 2, 2013
  *Forced update on invalid update times.
  #Change to timer counting to prevent 45-day uptime bug.

v0.2.2.2🕕 March 26, 2013
  +Added Topmost and Scale Text menu items to the Main Window's system menu.
  +Added some whirring numbers and filling graph effects for fun.
  +Added a throbber to the Tray icon to display update events when minimized.
  +Added a refresh shortcut to the Tray icon with a Middle Click (mouse wheel click).
  *Forced clean focusing of the window on restore from Tray icon.
  #Improved save time for Remote Usage customers and added an initial synchronization progress display.
  #Changed icon to a Satellite and changed the name to remove any WildBlue branding.

v0.1.6.4🕡 March 11, 2013
  +Addition of DishNet customer logins.
  *Improvements to interaction with the Remote Usage Service.
  *Fixed handling error messages from WildBlue on Exede clients.
  #Improvements in the graph display.
  #Increased the timeout on requests to 3 minutes.

v0.1.6.2🕖 February 12, 2013
  +New database storage method.
  +New settings storage code.
  +New update check code.
  *Various bug fixes and improvements.

v0.1.5.6🕢 December 26, 2012
  +Added RuralPortal Usage not Available error.
  +Added Remote Usage Service support.

v0.1.4.9🕗 December 16, 2012
  +Added BETA version checking.
  +Added unknown page reporting.
  +Added size scaling option.
  *Fixed some RuralPortal bugs.
  *Fixed some other bugs.

v0.1.4.6🕣 December 5, 2012
  +Added support for RuralPortal redistributors.
  +Added History Data directory changing.

v0.1.4🕘 November 20, 2012
  *Fixed a few bugs.
  #Improved startup.

v0.1.3.8🕤 August 8, 2012
  *Fixed new database creation bug.
  #Changed percent font size math.

v0.1.3🕙 May 31, 2012
  +Added support for Exede accounts.
  +Added optional Windows Service to continue logging whenever the computer is running.

v0.1.1.7🕥 February 14, 2012
  +New configuration window.
  +Added ability to alter update interval.
  +Added ability to alter usage accuracy (decimal places in percentage displays).
  #Main window interface changed.
  #Improved error messages.

v0.1.1🕚 January 29, 2012
  *Completely new read system to handle WildBlue changes. Your password is now required to view your usage limits.

v0.1.0.6🕦 November 13, 2011
  +Added automatic update check every two weeks.
  *Fixed a bug in newly introduced XML URL guessing system.
  -Removed some defunct code.

v0.1.0.4🕛 October 12, 2011
  *Bug fixes, including file path issue with new users.

v0.1🕧 May 11, 2011
  #Improved history graph wait display and redraw logic.
  +Added usage display to Tray icon.
  *Prevented redundant code running in a few locations.
  #Converted internet communications to asynchronous events for smoother running.

v0.0.5🕐 December 30, 2010
  #Converted to VB.NET.

v0.0.0.6🕜 September 22, 2010
  /Final VB6 version. All older data lost to time.

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